When an injury occurs, our Telephonic Case Managers establish trust and expedite a safe return to work, leading to decreased medical, indemnity, disability, and litigation costs. SCM approaches case management from a comprehensive perspective, understanding that securing win-win outcomes are not only about the diagnosis, but about connecting with the patient and building a trust-filled relationship.
Upon receiving a telephonic referral, our highly qualified nurses connect with all appropriate parties. Using evidence-based guidelines and expertise, they identify appropriate medical interventions, deliver credible education, and reduce overall case costs while promoting maximum medical recovery and quality of care. SCM applies the same level of expertise and dedication to provide proactive case management, personalized plans of care, progress monitoring, and up-to-date reporting to our clients, in the same way we approach our CORE case management services.
By utilizing both phone and video communication technologies, we are able to reach patients who may have difficulty traveling to medical appointments or who may live in remote areas. In some cases, the telephonic approach is the best method to help patients who have mobility or transportation issues, making it easier for them to receive the medical attention and support they need. Telephonic case management also helps to reduce healthcare costs. Eliminating the need for in-person visits and reducing the number of hospitalizations, telephonic case management can help lower medical expenses for both patients, insurers, and healthcare providers. Improve the Care, Reduce the Cost.
SCM is available for all your telephonic case management needs, whether it be one time consultation or an ongoing basis. Contact us to learn more on how our telephonic case management services could lead to better quality, targeted care and reduced healthcare costs.